Flamenco Mass and its sources of inspiration
Flamenco Mass and its sources of inspiration
Flamenco Mass
01. Kyrie (The cane)
02. Gloria (Songs from Malaga)
03. Credo (Gypsy songs)
04. Sanctus (Songs of the countryside)
05. Agnus Dei (Cantes de Cádiz)
Face: B
The sources
01. Thoughts encourage me (Caña)
02. Torrent (Malaga)
03. Take the pen and write (Jabera)
04. It's not your fault (Siguiriya)
05. I am a gypsy by birth (Debla)
06. I'm not forcing you, gypsy (Tona)
07. That gray mule (Trillera)
08. What do I care (Mirabras)
09. Like a horse without a bridle (Bulería por soleá)
Sings: Rafael Romero, Pericón from Cadiz, Chocolate, Pepe el Culata, The Serranos, Bernardo from the Little Wolves, Pepe from Lucia
Guitar: Victor Monge Serranito, Ramon de Algeciras, Antonio Arenas, Paco de Lucia
Choir: Maitea, Easo
Measurements: 31x 31 cm.